Saturday, February 18, 2012


An Election that Republicans Simply Don't Have to Lose

There are assuredly a host of fine points related to the economy and everything else that should guarantee a loss for his holiness, sir Barack Obama, in the upcoming election.

Of course the Republican party can easily slip up and run some clown like Rick Santorum to satisfy a few evangelicals and others who think that making a statement about abortion or people's sexual lifestyle is more important than unseating a socialist Manchurian “organizer.”

It occurred to me that the easy route to election success lies in some fortunate circumstances that don't appear fortunate – media bias.

Most of the mainstream media (Fox News, the obvious exception) is tilted left, sometimes absurdly so. The degree of bias has manifested in a string of blatant non-objectivity regarding Obama, his past, the economy, and how the stats play out regarding unemployment and “recovery” etc.

Media dishonesty has been so extreme that the Republicans are in the fortunate position of having to merely state the facts (no need for embellishment or distortion) regarding a host of issues that have been literally hid from the public. If Joe and Jane average citizen were to know what this clown and his cronies have been doing to the United States the last several years they would want anyone in the White house that wasn't Obama and company.

Start with the “stimulus.” There never was a stimulus. The great portion of almost a trillion dollars dedicated to supposedly jump-starting a devastated economy was nothing more than a wish list of corrupt Democrat politicians' vote-buying schemes.

In the last election, although it occasionally came up as an issue, Obama's background and associations were kept at room temperature. In fact, much of his past indicates he is a far left wing radical with little love for the United States as a constitutional republic. He's often criticised for being a “European style socialist.” That's being too kind. I'm thinking Eastern European circa 1960.

The socialists who now wear ties (instead of uniforms) are slick enough to “use the system” as it is to get the international bureau mega-state they've always dreamed of.

Mainstream media outlets aren't about to let the public in on a variety of things that are really no secret (i.e. the top 1% is paying almost 40% of America's taxes).

Time to “share the secret[s].”

This is no longer about minor pendulum swings between elections; four to eight years of increased social programs vs. cutting back – a little – to revive free enterprise. The current president promised before the election that he was on the verge of “fundamentally transforming” America.

He kept his word, and a good portion of the population is clueless as to the extent of the damage.

Again, all the Republicans need to do is tell it like it is, and like it hasn't been reported. The pampered “progressives” will of course vote for their man, and they'll no doubt be kicking and screaming (“marching”) like a Greek public “service” worker when he loses. Too bad.

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